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FrOG's Newsletter 


May 2024

Dear FrOGs,  it’s time for an other update…so much has once again changed. Unfortunately we did not go to Gashora this year as I got a new hip. This means that when we travel to Rwanda next year I will be able to once again move around with ease and show our new volunteers all that JHA has accomplished.

Many of you may know that Salaama and Rogers tied the knot in February. It was a wonderful three day event and many Friends from North America attended the wedding. One of our amazing donors from the States has donated funds to build a new House for the executive director, and as long as Rogers remains in that role, Salaama and himself will be able to enjoy their own place



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As mentioned in an earlier newsletter, our Americans partner funded the new preschool school and as soon as the finishing work is completed classes will begin. The new boys and girls dormitories are also nearly ready and will provide a  safe home for 72 homeless children.

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FrOG has now raised enough funds to start building the new sewers and weavers workshop. There will be electricity in this building so that we can have a few electric sewing machines for the finishing work, as well as a serger. Ironing with a coal heated iron will also no longer be necessary and we no longer have to worry about the rainy season. This new building will also include safe storage and a showroom for tourists and locals to come and visit. We hope that the building will be completed by the time we return to Gashora to celebrate all the sewers’ and weavers’ achievements.

The Farm keeps producing vast amounts of vegetables to supplement the diet of our beneficiaries and workers

Remember Victoria , our first Cow? Followed by Anni and Oasa that prompted many other cow purchases for JHA?  Well with offspring and more purchases the dairy farm now has 51 cows and they produce on average 250litres of milk daily.

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Thanks to those of you who invested in the first pigs and the construction of the pig pens this new enterprise is well on it’s way to reach it’s goal to become income generating. There are now 129 pigs. Thank you for supporting this new project. 

The goats are continuing to happily multiply so that meat can be offered to supplement our children’s diet a few times a month. Again thank you to all who started the goat program so many years ago.

There is some unfortunate news though. Abdoul’s beautiful community project, the large pyramid garden had to be taken down as the new local government was not in agreement with its location. Needless to say that Abdoul and the Miracle Workers were heartbroken. We tried to tell them that despite this outcome the whole project was an amazing achievement, it was a great learning experience for everyone involved and while the construction was in process it brought the community together. The Miracle Workers continue to meet every Saturday and work together to support vulnerable families.

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And they continue to inspire the next generation…..while having a lot of fun…..

Thanks to the efforts of our American friends construction of a new guesthouse (10 rooms) will soon be under way. It will be located near the Farm on beautiful lake Mirayi. This guesthouse will provide some great opportunities for training in the hospitality industry.

The Central kitchen will also soon be operational.

Also since FrOG handed over the Child sponsorship program to our American Partner just over a couple of month ago 10 more children have been sponsored by their wonderful friends and supporters. 

We are so pleased that our children have access to Art and Music therapy since early this year.

Eric our wonderful music therapist has been working with our children and teaching them to play the guitar and the keyboard. Lots of games played with music, children teaching other children what they have learnt and playing chords to popular music along on the keyboard. Everyone having such a good time ! If you are interested in especially supporting this music program that continues to be in need of ongoing funding please be in touch. We all now how important music is for developing brains and minds

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Patric teaches art and the children enjoy drawing, painting and exploring with colour..

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Receiving new clothes is always such an exciting time for our young beneficiaries. As they receive new clothes they give away some of their old clothes to other children.

FrOG is also so very excited that Derrick, our brilliant young friend will be studying engineering on a full scholarship at the North Park University in Chicago. Thank you to all who have helped to make this happen and who continue to support this promising young man.

And an other success story. FrOG made a few small loans to help two young man advance their careers. One is just completing his masters degree in development studies and is now finalizing his thesis for final defense next week. Graduation will be in August. 


The other young man was offered the opportunity to participate in a training program in Tanzania for Tour and Travel Guides. He successfully completed his 3 months training and has now been hired by Beyond Travel. So let us know if you plan to visit Rwanda and we will connect you with our wonderful friend.


And last but not least, FrOG will be holding our first annual Empty Bowls fundraiser in Victoria at the end of October (  to raise funds for our nutritional, educational and healthcare programs. If you know any potters that would be interested in donating a soup bowl to our event, please give them my contact. We are just finalizing our space and date and will send out more information soon. Thank you to Terrice Bassler from Pottery with Purpose (  for this great idea and commitment of 25 bowls for our event. Thank you also to "Working Culture" ( )  for donating their fabulous bread and to “CSM Insights” for their generous sponsorship of this event. We appreciate this broad community support and are looking forward to a fun evening of sharing and giving. 


Once again, my heartfelt thanks to all of you that continue to make these programs successful and for your loving support for our beloved community Gashora. None of this would be possible without your generosity. Wishing you all a wonderful summer. Gabriele


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Friends of Gashora

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  • Simply pass our website and newsletter along to friends and family

  • Support us by buying gifts from our gift catalogue

  • Sponsor a child

  • Purchase one of our stunning handwoven baskets, trays, three legged chairs, earrings and more

  • Support the goat, pig, or cow projects

  • Help us fundraise by selling our baskets to your friends and family

  • Get involved in our newest project and help us raise funds for the Gashora women’s  sewing workshop


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